Prayers for Baby Evie, newborn battling a serious lung condition

April 2, 2018

Written By

Mary Friona Celani

Beautiful baby Evie Lux was born on March 18, 2018. Within 24 hours of birth, her family noticed her color had been changing and she seemed to be struggling to breathe.

Evie’s Aunt, Amanda Tarnowski says a nurse noticed the same thing and ordered tests. Evie was immediately transferred to Children’s Hospital and soon diagnosed with a condition called, Pneumothorax. It’s a rare lung condition that involves pockets of air developing outside the lung causing it to collapse.

“Going through something like this can really take a toll on a person; especially just giving birth,” Amanda said, “My sister went from a strong mentality of needing to focus on recovery and introducing her daughter to breastfeeding to then wondering if she’d even be able to make it to Children’s Hospital to see her daughter (alive) again. It all just happened so fast.”

The precious baby developed an infection in her lungs. She’s in need of constant, round-the-clock care now.

Amanda started a Gofundme Page to help her sister and niece,  “Since starting the support page for her, she has had so many people reach out and offer not only monetary donations, but meal drop offs, help with her older children, even just welcomed texts and phone calls sending love and support. I know she had mentioned days where she could barely pull herself to get out of bed; figuratively and physically from the surgery. But, I truly believe that because of all the wonderful people who reached out in one way or another, it has been able to keep her out of falling into a deep depression and kept her and Evie’s father alongside her while she fought for her life. There were enough hurdles and worries through this whole ordeal and knowing she had the support she does/did truly, truly helped them keep the faith and continue to support Evie with HER fight.”

Here is a link to their Gofundme if you’d like to help the family.

Sending thoughts and prayers to baby Evie and her family.

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Welcome to Totally Buffalo! A local lifestyle website.

My name is Mary Friona-Celani and I am the creator of this site! I’m a wife, a mom, a grandma, a Buffalo booster, an entrepreneur and a small business owner. I’m so glad you stopped by.  After 20 years in the buffalo media, I went out on my own to tell stories about the people, places, events and all-around fabulousness of this wonderful place we call home. Buffalo is different and so is this site. We are here to share stories, encourage kindness, and help make this a better place to live.

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