Ready, Set.., Resolve! How to Make Your 2018 New Year’s Resolution Stick

December 27, 2017

Written By

Mary Friona Celani
Whether or not you’re ready, 2018 is fast approaching. In a matter of weeks, millions of us will spend time reflecting on our successes and failures of the current year… Setting a new standard for the year ahead. But, making a big change and sticking with it, is easier said than done.
Resolutions are a great way to self-improvement. However, those delusions of grandeur and unattainable goals some of us name, are also one of the fastest ways to feel defeated. All too often, by January 23, we can’t even remember what our resolution was.
So has come up with a few ways to help you pick and stick to your goal… and be ‘in it to win it’ in 2018.
Finding a resolution that fits –
Contrary to popular belief, New Year’s resolutions do not have to be ‘all or nothing.’ In fact, the more ambitious the resolution, the less likely we are to even remember what it ‘was’ a month later. Instead of starting big, start by taking baby steps. These small changes, little by little, chip away at bad habits or teach you good ones. (Did you know when you mix kale into your morning smoothie, it really isn’t that bad?) Because the more successful you are sticking to your resolution, the happier you’ll be with the results… and the easier it is to maintain.
The pros and the cons…
Turning the calendar over and starting a new, offers everyone a chance to stop, reflect, and reconsider. Sitting down and writing a “pros and cons” or “highs and lows” list from the past 12 months can be a very beneficial way of picking a resolution. It not only gives us a chance to examine our often hectic lives but, we also get the rare opportunity to sit still in silence and ‘be at one’ with ourselves. Your list can help you decide if there is something negative in your life you want to eliminate… or something positive you want to add more of.
– And consider this; if the ‘pro’ side of your list is longer than the ‘con,’ you probably had a good year… which is great. But not everyone will be so lucky. If you have a chance, add a third column listing the names of the people who helped make things go your way in 2017. The holidays season is a great time to give thanks. Maybe drop them a line and remind them how much you appreciate having them in your life.
One goal is great but, a dozen is better…
A New Year’s resolution can be a big undertaking. If you’re fairly content or aren’t looking to break any bad habits, how about raising the bar? Make a ‘New Week’ resolution every Sunday and kick-start you Monday morning with a little motivation. These simple little variations and additions can help make you feel more in control of our often packed lives. A ‘New Week’ resolution could be as simple as saying “yes“ to one thing you would normally not… or giving up something small. (Eliminating that cookie you have for dessert with lunch at work, might not be a bad thing.)
Week number two… Take an after-dinner walk with your spouse or loved one. Not only is it a great way to connect, you’ll also get a little exercise.
-Keep in mind you can use your powers for good too! Consider doing something nice for one person in your office every day. Buy them a coffee. Take a break together and catch up. Or try to make it your goal to remember the secretary’s name. Letting just one person know that they ARE important can have a ripple effect, making a huge impact.
If you fall… get back up…
If you’re like most, chances are you’ll fall off the wagon in 2018. But, that doesn’t mean you should write off your resolution. Nor should it mean you should waste ANY time beating yourself up. No one is perfect! We are all flawed and Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just because you want things to change right now, doesn’t mean they will. You’ve been living your life ‘one way’ for the past 365 days. You’re bound to forget or slip up… That’s okay! Just don’t give up. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
– Winston Churchill

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Welcome to Totally Buffalo! A local lifestyle website.

My name is Mary Friona-Celani and I am the creator of this site! I’m a wife, a mom, a grandma, a Buffalo booster, an entrepreneur and a small business owner. I’m so glad you stopped by.  After 20 years in the buffalo media, I went out on my own to tell stories about the people, places, events and all-around fabulousness of this wonderful place we call home. Buffalo is different and so is this site. We are here to share stories, encourage kindness, and help make this a better place to live.

We’ll help those in need when we can through our charity arm, Totally Buffalo Cares.

We help local small businesses, artisans and vendors though our events and our Totally Buffalo Stores.

We’ll do all of this with a little help from friends in our community.



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