Helping the community – because, well -she can. Be inspired by this mom’s work!!

October 27, 2017

Written By

Mary Friona Celani

It’s certainly true that many people volunteer for various things. But, lets face it – there’s volunteering and then there’s volunteering!

Maryanne McMahon is that kind of volunteer. In other words, she spreads herself pretty thin. From setting up Christmas trees for kids who have to spend the holidays at Roswell Park, to collecting Halloween costumes for inner-city kids who otherwise wouldn’t have one, to cooking dinner for families at Ronald McDonald House as they care for their sick child, to volunteering at various shelters.

I know, amazing.

Maryanne is the epitome of a good neighbor. She works hard to make a difference. She’s been doing it for decades, too. For Maryanne, and her husband Sean, it’s not about doing what you have to do – it’s about doing what you’re supposed to do. They know that giving back is what’s right. Maryanne says, “I do it because there is a need. And I love helping. I’m blessed with a happy, healthy son, and I feel giving back is part of the blessing.”

On Thursday night, Maryanne and her husband, Sean gave out 250 Halloween costumes! Yep, 250 kids got to pick out their very own costume… for free – 250! Maryanne and a slew of volunteers gathered at The Seneca Babcock  Community Center in Buffalo to hand out the costumes, masks, and accessories for some amazing – and ever so happy – children. These kids may not have had a costume otherwise. Can you imagine? Something many of us take for granted. There was Maryanne, creating superheroes, space warriors, princesses, bears, and power rangers. Amazing.


Maryanne doesn’t do it alone, but she does spearhead these incredible movements. She gets people involved, puts out a call to action, and asks others for donations and help. She does it because she cares.

So yes, there’s volunteering and then there’s changing the world. And Maryanne is changing the world – even if it is just one costume, one Christmas tree, one meal – or one smile at a time.

Thank you Maryanne and Sean for making a difference and reminding all of us that we all have the same power.  🙂

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About Me



Welcome to Totally Buffalo! A local lifestyle website.

My name is Mary Friona-Celani and I am the creator of this site! I’m a wife, a mom, a grandma, a Buffalo booster, an entrepreneur and a small business owner. I’m so glad you stopped by.  After 20 years in the buffalo media, I went out on my own to tell stories about the people, places, events and all-around fabulousness of this wonderful place we call home. Buffalo is different and so is this site. We are here to share stories, encourage kindness, and help make this a better place to live.

We’ll help those in need when we can through our charity arm, Totally Buffalo Cares.

We help local small businesses, artisans and vendors though our events and our Totally Buffalo Stores.

We’ll do all of this with a little help from friends in our community.



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